Thursday, August 02, 2007

In which I attend a Dance School

I hate it when I come to blog after a long time, and have a thousand things to say. In this flurry of outpouring all my thoughts at once, I usually get lost in my own web of words. While trying to keep it single & straight ( quite unlike me), why don't i give you an account of past week, though it was nothing but momentous.

After months of deliberations, where I was lost between the choice of learning a new language or a dance form, I opted for Learning dance. The choice was abetted by the fact of proximity of dance school to my place. So, when I decided to pay a visit to this famous dance school/ workshop, I had little idea that they conduct these classes in normal schools. In order to enroll myself, I visited these schools ( two of them ), and it was a very strange feeling. Stepping on to a world that I had left long back, when all memories of school were effectively erased from my overburdened mind, made me realize the increased emphasis parents put these days on good education. Having studied in government schools with almost no infrastructure and poor teaching, not to mention complete lack of extra curricular activities-though not much relevant, I saw my first library when I had finished my college-I was amazed to see the opportunities presented before a upper middle class kid. The school I went had AC classroom, wonderful computer labs, playground with assorted toys and other aids, and my favorite- the craft room ( though I suspect most of the craft projects were made by parents for their children). I used to be very bitter about having lost on going to 'elite' institutions, and often imagined how much more I could have achieved if I had got there. In retrospect, I feel the angst was misplaced. I still believe if one is good and passionate about something, nothing will come in one's way to achieve what one is capable of. I would have been more confident and more aware of my capabilities, had I joined such places. Nevertheless, exploring one's true potential without the help and support of a mentor or guide, makes one more confident than in the former case, where not only you realize your potential but also take pride in the fact that you have reached wherever you have, on your merit and perseverance. And trust me on this, it feels great to be in command of your destiny!


  1. awwwwwwww
    its a I wanna run and hug you post

  2. Hi, I came here blog hopping from Vikster's. Nice one you've got there.

    Well, I was always starved for books as a kid. Saw a full fledged library only in college and there too were lots of dos and donts which ultimately forbade me from utilising it to my heart's content.

    As always some are luckier than others.

  3. Liked your posts. Wanna blogroll you.

  4. Chrisann-->Thanks, U r my favorite!!

    Raghu--> U r too kind. thanks!!
