Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I know what I know

So here we are, in a new year and blah, blah..Time again for all those phony things about doing this, that and doing him/her. I need to find something amusing, something that can sustain my interest for long. Something, that gives me succor. Does that thing really exist??
Now, I know a few more things about myself. I am more sure of myself and not too shy to express my displeasure when things don't turn out the way I expected them to be. However, I still have not reached a stage where I care a damn about the world or what other's think. One day I will. I promise to myself.

I know that I like outdoors more than indoors. I like bright sunshine day with lots of greenery around me. January is not that in this regard in Delhi though I hardly get to go out in the day time.

I know that I am not that ugly as I used to think of myself. I do a have a poor self image when it comes to my looks, but that is compensated by the fact that I am surrounded by people whose knowledge of stuff begins and ends with Delhi Times.

I know that what is the difference between acquaintance, good friend and best friends. I know with whom I feel completely comfortable and relaxed and where I don't have to put on a show.

and most importantly, I know that I can not love a woman. Ever.

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